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Photo Details was born in 2013 in a joint project of 2 photographers who share the same passion. For several years they have been growing together, sharing visions and touring the world in search of that photograph that makes a difference. One day they were invited to organize a photo tour and share their knowledge.
Thus was born Photo Details, which today allies with the passion for photography, the pleasure of teaching and training new photographers. Nothing gives us more pleasure than to see the evolution of those with us started almost from scratch.
Photo Details organizes workshops, courses, tours and photographic trips. Always aiming to provide the best experiences to our participants. We prepare all the details related to the events, from the photographic spots that we revisit times without account, as much in the logistic question of hotel and catering. We get these concerns so that our participants can be focused on what motivated them to join us, photography.
In our events there is a very strong sense of sharing, which we encourage, either on our part or even the group. In these events we understand that sharing is fundamental to the growth of each one.
We try to give our attention to all the participants, analyzing and always suggesting in an open spirit of sharing. All of our events have a low leader vs. attendee ratio, so that we can give due attention to each. In general, we never exceed 12 photographers in an event. We take your presence very seriously so we try to do our best to provide you with the best experiences.
Because it is with small details ...
that great experiences are created...

Paulo Pereira
His first serious machine was an analog Minolta, acquired in 1992, which still holds religiously. With the transition to digital the passion grew, it was systematically evolving and combining photography with his other passion, travels. With 29 countries in his curriculum, he combines his experience of traveling and photography, mastering not only the technical aspects of photography, but also the logistical aspects of travel. During his travels he absorbed several knowledge of other international photographers with whom he shared great photographic moments, namely in Iceland and Scotland, countries that he choose as dream destinations for any landscape photographer.

José Moreira
Since 1995, with its first SLR (an original Zenit of the former USSR) he makes photography as a hobby. It is from 2008 that the dedication to photography has been given a strong boost and landscape photography has become a passion. Traveling and photographing is the perfect symbiosis and continues to fuel the desire to always want to meet new and unknown corners.
With the pleasure of teaching and training, in 2011 he decides to take another important career step, and acquire certified pedagogical skills in order to work as a trainer.
Since 2013, he leads workshops and shares accquired knowledge with the aim of transmitting this passion to others.

Miguel Mosque
His passion for photography began in the late 1990s with a Pentax film camera, and had his first Sony digital camera in 2001. More recently, he has rediscovered his passion for landscape photography. Through his photographic trips, he had the opportunity to photograph several European countries in different scenarios and seasons, improving his technique, even in the most harsh environments. In 2020 joins the team of photo leaders at Photo Details Workshops.
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